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The                                 The                                 & The

The Joker the Monk & The Fool are a three-piece alternative rock band, formed by L.E. Haberman, a transgender tattoo artist, currently based in Israel. Their songs are a mix of the aggressive side of grunge and punk, fused with softer melancholic melodies and a touch of fairytale sweetness. 
They released two EPs, an album, and a music video. Their music has been aired on Israel national radio and rock stations, and on international independent stations in Italy and in the UK. The band took a break while L.E. vagabonded across the USA on a motorcycle. They reincarnated with a new lineup, recorded some more songs, and are now playing shows and working on their next releases, as well as planning a UK tour with fellow Israeli band Maya Zelzer this July. 


Anchor 5

photo by Mia Amir

Photo by Roni Nova

Photo by Mia Amir

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